photos: random photos of tufts in spring
These are some photos I took two days during finals (may 4 and may 12) on nice days.

I took all the photos originally at SHQ (1280x960) resolution, but scaled them down to 640x480 with a little more ocmpression, in order to make them a bit smaller.

640 x 480
My room in a state of being particularly messy

640 x 480
dawn in medford...

640 x 480

640 x 480
sunrise over miller

640 x 480

640 x 480
Olin Center (aka the Languages building)

640 x 480

640 x 480
nice photo, with some random person right in the middle of the frame. (if it's you, email me :))

1279 x 411

480 x 640

640 x 480

640 x 480

1280 x 960

1280 x 960

640 x 480
the gravity stone

640 x 480

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.
photos copyright 2000, Andrew Raff. All photos taken with my Olympus D-450Z digital camera.