1 hour

August 12, 2002

It takes about an hour to travel from Union Square to Yankee Stadium and back, if you don't watch a baseball game. Last week, I had tickets to a Yankees-Royals game. After squeezing myself onto a 4 train (and realizing the only thing worse than the Lexington Ave. line during rush hour, is the Lex. Ave. line during rush hour on a Yankee game day) I realized that I had my messenger bag with me, and that stadium security is prohibiting bringing bags into the stadium.

No backpacks, briefcases, attachˇ cases, coolers, glass or plastic bottles, cans, large purses, or bags will be permitted into the ballpark... No items will be claim checked. You will be asked to return them to your vehicle.

Of course, if your vehicle is the 4 train, returning your bag there may not be the best idea if you want to see it again. Fortunately, MLB is keeping me safe in the stadium by not letting me bring in food or drinks from the outside, because those aren't of the same exorbitant prices quality as the ones you can buy at the stadium.

The bowling alley across the street does offer a bag check, but I didn't feel it was worth paying that in order to see a Yankees-Royals game. I was back on the subway before the top of first inning ended.

Posted by Andrew Raff at August 12, 2002 10:41 AM
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