Who likes debt?

December 17, 2002

Didn't accrue enough debt going to law school? Why not add some more immediately after law school? Law Schools Urge Graduates to Start Small and Think Local

Convinced that corporate largess and government programs barely dent the nation's legal needs, [some] law schools are urging graduates to buck tradition, pass up big salaries and ignore mushrooming student debt to join tiny neighborhood practices or simply start their own, all with an eye toward charging no more than their clients can afford.

Posted by Andrew Raff at December 17, 2002 09:51 PM
Trackback URL for this entry: http://www.andrewraff.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/233

Nice comment. What omes around goes around prick. I'm sure you are a warm, caring person that people just love to be around. The reason you don't have many sex partners isn't because you don't have the money that you imagine your law career will provide you with, it is because you are a scared, shallow little tool. I hope you make a lot of money. You will need it to pay for the hookers that will keep you feeling like a man. Dick.

Posted by: Jim on April 8, 2003 09:35 PM

Gotta say, Jim....shut up.

Posted by: Paul Gutman on April 8, 2003 09:57 PM

Just wanted to say I LOVE DEBT!

How'd I miss this post I read SSP every day!

BTW: Times archive is still down contrary to what Whiner says.

Posted by: Kevin on April 9, 2003 01:30 AM