Control your Mac from your phone

February 25, 2003

Have a Sony Ericsson phone with Bluetooth? Have a Mac with OS X and Bluetooth? Then go and get Sony Ericsson Clicker

Sony Ericsson Clicker is a revolutionary application, allowing you to remotely control a wide range of applications with your Sony Ericsson phone. Impress your friends and co-workers!
(via Gizmodo)

edit: This is so cool! The phone works well as a remote when using the computer as an MP3 or DVD player. It's even better than most tv/stereo remotes, since it doesn't need line of sight. I wonder if it's possible to use the IR on the T68i to control infrared remotes. I know that a universal remote program exists for Palms with IR...

Posted by Andrew Raff at February 25, 2003 1:27 PM
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