Market-based intelligence

July 29, 2003

Um, maybe free markets aren't the ideal solution for every problem.

Darpa's Policy Analysis Market would evaluate terror threats based on a market exchange.

Boston Globe: US eyes market to predict terror

Metafilter: Pentagon Plans Futures Market for Events in Mideast

NYT: Pentagon Prepares a Futures Market on Terror Attacks

NYT: Pentagon Abandons Plan for Futures Market on Terror

AP: Pentagon's Futures Market Plan Condemned

Wired News: The Case for Terrorism Futures 

NYT: Poindexter's Follies: "The time has obviously come to send John Poindexter packing and to shut down the wacky espionage operation he runs at the Pentagon."

Posted by Andrew Raff at July 29, 2003 04:13 PM
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Excerpt: Since it was possibly the most insane idea to come from the military in a long time, you've probably heard about the demise of the futures market on terrorism. Andrew Raff rounded up some of the coverage yesterday, and it's all over the place. Salon's ...
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