RNC Roundup

August 29, 2004

Cyclists ride, get arrested

Mike, of Satan's Laundromat fame, went indirectly to jail
After taking some pictures of Critical Mass riders getting arrested, I turned to walk away and suddenly was in cuffs, one of the 264 cyclists and random passers-by arrested Friday night. Rather than writing us summonses for the offenses we were charged with, which were violations (on par with a traffic ticket or an open container), not even misdemeanors, the cops decided to teach us a lesson by hauling us over to a bus depot-turned-holding cell where we got to sleep in cages on diesel-sludge-covered concrete.

NY Times reports: 100 Cyclists Are Arrested as Thousands Ride in Protest

Felix Salmon rode in Critical Mass, but stayed out of jail: Scenes from the protests

Callalillie has photos from Critical Mass: A27 Critical Mass and A27 Critical Mass Part II

Protests, Media and More

Gothamist rounds up the photoblog posts from the big protest. See e.g. Citying and Callalillie.

WNYC: convention central

Blogger Vidiot is blogging and photo-blogging from within the media madness.

New York magazine is blogging at The Convention Kicker.

You mean there are issues, too?

Legal Fiction looks at one of the policy failures of the Bush administration with The Case Against Bush Part I: The War on Terror
Unfortunately, I soon realized that Bush was not assessing new circumstances and adapting to them. Rather, he got cosmically lucky. His gross simplifications and black-and-white thinking were not calculated responses that were manifestations of growth – they’re how he thinks about everything. He merely got lucky that 9/11 just happened to call for precisely that sort of thinking. I hate to say it, but he exemplified the old saying that even a stopped clock is right a couple of times a day. When the complexities of the war on terror developed, he was woefully ill-suited to tackle them.
Posted by Andrew Raff at August 29, 2004 11:55 PM
Trackback URL for this entry: http://www.andrewraff.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2824

Hey, thanks for the link(s)! Much obliged.

Posted by: Vidiot on August 30, 2004 08:19 AM