Why are you reading this?

July 13, 2004

Ending his guest-blogging stint at L3, Milbarge riffs about the point of blogging ("blog groupies").

Now, I am wondering: who is reading this? Why?

If I don't know you, how did you find the site? If I do know you, are you reading through a news aggregator or by visiting the site on occasion. If you've told me previously, "No, I don't read your web site. I have better things to do," and yet, are reading this, let me know so that I can laugh at you.

I am curious, so please, either drop me an email, post a comment, or let me know by IM/phone/smoke signals/in person.


I don't know how to translate the web site statistics into a relatively accurate number of readers, but I do know that it's many less than at Gawker & Co....

Posted by Andrew Raff at July 13, 2004 01:12 AM
Trackback URL for this entry: http://www.andrewraff.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2542

I found you via Technorati, which tells me every time someone links to me. So thanks for that. I know my riff (Do you have a category of Raff on Riffs?) was a little disjointed and stream-of-consciousness. But like you, I'm fascinated by who reads my site, and how they find it.

Anyway, I've now discovered yours, and it looks interesting, so I'll be back! Have a nice day!

Posted by: Milbarge on July 13, 2004 03:45 PM

I read it via an aggregator and come visit if its one of your longer more comprehensive postings.

Posted by: Kevin on July 13, 2004 11:54 PM

I'm not exactly sure why I started reading you, probably a mention of my blog on your blog. I do like you though. :)

Posted by: Beanie on July 14, 2004 12:12 PM

Ditto what Milbarge said.

Posted by: Scott on July 14, 2004 05:01 PM

Technorati is the key. It brings bloggers with common interests together because it track s links. This is fantastic, but as you've no doubt noticed, it also creates a bit of an echo chamber within certain corners of the blogosphere as well.

I saw on Technorati that you linked me, now I check your page out fairly often. I like it quite a bit, happy blogging!

Posted by: Chris Rush Cohen on July 21, 2004 02:02 PM

Technorati is the key. It brings bloggers with common interests together because it track s links. This is fantastic, but as you've no doubt noticed, it also creates a bit of an echo chamber within certain corners of the blogosphere as well.

I saw on Technorati that you linked me, now I check your page out fairly often. I like it quite a bit, happy blogging!

Posted by: Chris Rush Cohen on July 21, 2004 02:03 PM